Friday, 1 May 2009

4th Village

We visited the 4th village in Serenje that we are working in today. We were met by singing and dancing. We all joined in with the dancing at some point and busted out some moves! Very funny.

In the communities we've visited they have given us a gift. This village overwhelmed us to the point of tears by giving us enough food to cover a rug. I've never wirtnessed such generosity, people who have so little giving so much. The lady giving it said that it is more blessed to give than to recieve. Wow.



  1. I hope you guys are taking loads of photos...want to see the Serenje dance troup in action...busting out the moves(!)

    These people are truly living the gospel out in spirit and in truth that they can give so much when they have so little.


  2. Absolutely awesome...I too have been on the receiving end of such generosity when I visited Sierra Leone to see my brother who was teaching out there at the time. We also visited a local village and were well fed and received the gift of a live chicken (which we later had for dinner!!)
    It never ceases to amaze me how we in the west (myself included)can become so complacent about our circumstances.
    Thanks for reminding me how much I am blessed.
